.. _explanation: Explanation *********** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 .. _network-error: Failure to properly execute commands that depend on network access ================================================================== A common problem that can occur when running the setup or warmup of an instance is a failure associated with different processes (e.g. ``apt``) not being able to access the network properly. While this can happen because of a myriad of situations (network outage in the host, a malfunctioning proxy, etc), there is a very common case where Docker changes the ``iptables`` of the host in a particular way that conflicts with LXD instances. If you're getting network errors in an LXD instance and have Docker installed, please refer to `this section`_ in the Linux Containers documentation for more information and ways to solve the situation. .. _`this section`: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/network_bridge_firewalld/#prevent-connectivity-issues-with-lxd-and-docker